Danilo’s Pasta Bar Seeking New Spot

“Catch y’all on the flip side.” 
"Inspired by our founders’ Mediterranean upbringing, we’ve created a place where wholesome food and community converge."
“Your favorite Long Island bagels are coming to our neighborhood this Fall 2024."
The restaurant will be found at 1956 LPGA Blvd. 
“Our gathering spaces are an intersection where creativity, culture, and flavor come together."
This newest location will be spearheaded by Deli One Foods, LLC, led in part by Zishan Ali and Danish Aldino.
The restaurant will be run by Danilo's Pasta Bar chef DJ Tagalin and the decorated Michael Collantes.
The establishment will have a new menu overseen by Danilo's Pasta Bar chef DJ Tagalin and the decorated Michael Collantes.

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